You can tell from just the areas name, that flooding may be a factor you have to take into account if you move into a house located in Lake Conroe.

Of course, the officials of Lake Conroe have tried to do as much as they can to minimize flooding and they facilities available to accommodate and help if there are floods.

The officials of the area have actually approved the reduction of water levels by lowering the water levels in reservoirs. By doing so, hopefully floods will become less frequent and dangerous, as there have been some destructive ones in past years that have worried the residents at the Lake.

The Lake was originally 201 feet above sea level, but after this project, 199 feet above mean sea level.

However, this proves to be a temporary solution. Have no fear though! Because government and area officials are working, all hands-on deck, to find a more permanent solution, and they are confident in their abilities to do so.

 But mother nature has a mind of its own, and so if you are buying a house or even renting in Lake Conroe there are factors you should consider before doing so.

1. House Elevation

When you are looking at the house you may move into, not only should you take the size and paint into account, but also see if it elevated, and off the ground level. The higher the house, the more chances there are that water will not seep into your home. Make sure there are steps that go up into your house, to show it is off the ground, and elevated.

Because if you allow for water to seep into your house, it can cause long term damage. It can cause mold to grow and spread throughout the inner walls of the house. In severe cases, water can erode the foundation which can cause it to shift.

Mud from the lake banks may also travel in with the water, which can cause contamination and spread diseases. You need to be careful about your houses elevation to prevent all this.

Avoid houses with basements, as that is where the water is most likely to seep into.

2. Drainage

Make sure there is a sufficient and working drainage system surrounding your house. So in the event of a flood, or even heavy downpour, the water was somewhere to go, and does not accumulate and enter the house.

3.  Ask Around

If you are considering buying a house and want to know what to expect in terms of how often it may flood in the area, it is best to ask the neighbours, as they will be more likely to give an accurate answer. House owners may hide or downplay the matter, so you are more willing to buy or rent their building.

Although there may be the occasion flooding in Lake Conroe, this should not be the reason why you do not decide to move to this beautiful area. Because there are many other benefits, and the flooding is quickly being contained.

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