Selling your house can be a pretty emotional experience, especially if you are attached to it. When it comes time to have to move out, you’ll find it hard to do so. You won’t want to leave behind the living room where you sat every day, watching your favorite show, or your kitchen, where you learnt to make the perfect pie.

You have to tear yourself away from your emotions, which are telling you not to give up your dream house, that you saved up for, penny by penny, to buy after you graduated. So, today I will be giving you some tips to ease the pain, and remain in control emotionally during this grueling experience:

1. Come to peace with your decision.

Before you place the advertisements in the papers, you need to come to peace with your decision completely. Make sure you are ready to sell by making a pro and con list, and showing yourself, in writing, why it is best to sell your house and move on.

2. Emotionally detach yourself.

You need to prepare yourself emotionally for the roller coaster of a process selling your house will be. Once your house goes up in the market, it will be dissected and you will have realtors and buyers giving their feedback. You need to be prepared for this, so you do not take it personally.

3. Market it for the right price.

Often, while selling something as meaningful as a house, you will quote a price above its actual worth in hopes of not getting any potential buyers. Even if you don’t mean to, it may happen subconsciously. To avoid doing this, get a second opinion in this issue. Do your research, and price your house right.

4. Prepare.

The best way to keep your emotions in check is to prepare as best as you can for the selling. One way you can prepare is by finding out how you want to go about selling it. Do you want to use a real estate agent? Or is selling it yourself through advertisements a better idea? Do you want to sell it to a private party or sell it to a real estate investor? To help you make this decision, make a positives and negatives list for each. Selling through a real estate agent will help you, as they will guide you through the process step by step. However, you will have to tolerate unpredictable house showings.

On the other hand, selling it yourself can be a hassle, as you have to do everything by yourself. Marketing, photography, legal work. However, you do get to avoid realtor commission, which is a plus.

5. Look into the buyer.

Before finalizing the deal, it may help to do a thorough background check on the buyer, not just for financial or legal reasons, but to ease your conscious. Make sure they are caring and are likely to look after the house, and not destroy it.

With these tips, hopefully, selling your house will become a lot less emotional for you. But remember, change takes time to adjust too! 

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