Up doing your house and making it look more modern, and better works to your advantage when you put it on the sale market. Buyers will be attracted to the new appeal, and be willing to offer higher prices for the property. You can end up making a large profit, by only putting a little time, money and effort into the whole process. Here are some tips on what exactly to fix to boost your curb appeal and exterior:

1. Exterior

Your houses exterior gives the first impression. Buyers will make their first decision about the house based on what the outside looks like. If your exterior is a mess, they will be more skeptical of the inside. So it is important to make sure you take the time to fix the outer area of your house.

You can do so by:

* Giving the whole thing a paint job, from the walls to the front door. A fresh coat of paint can go a long way.

* If you really want to hype up the place, you can even consider adding a brass knocker on your front door, for decorative purposes.

* It is a pretty simple thing, but can make all the difference. Make sure your house number is clearly visible, and looks good.

* Taking the time to make sure the door bell is working.

* Another wise idea is to oil the door hinges, to ensure it is not hard to open on the day, or makes any strange noises.

* Taking a look at your roof, a lot of debris and dirt tends to collect up their over the years, and if your potential buyer is particularly fussy, it can cause issues.

2. Curb Appeal.

Curb appeal is the attractiveness of your house on first glance, like, when you first turn onto the street. It matters highly when you are selling your house, as it basically is the first impression the potential buyer receives. So it is best to make sure everything is perfect, you can do so by:

* Taking care of the garden. Make sure the lawn is mowed, and there are no fallen piles of leaves. Take the time to prune your shrubs and trees, it will make all the difference.

*Planting some vibrant flowers, to make your house look pretty at first glance.

* Cleaning up your house. Remember to make the beds, pick up any toys or laundry off the floor, dust the ornaments and things like that. Nothing spoils the vibe like some loose socks on the floor.

* Turning on the lights, and opening the curtains to make the house bright, and just generally more welcoming. Just imagine yourself walking into your house for the first time, and imagine what you would think about living in it for the rest of your life. Make sure it is clean and presentable, and you will probably end up making a much better sale than if you didn’t make any effort.

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