It Is Fall Cleaning Time!

It Is Fall Cleaning Time!

It is October, and you know what that means! We get to experience the beauty of the leaves changing colors, as we bundle up into our cozy sweaters and enjoy the crisp fall air. However, with all this comfort and fun, there are some tasks that are less. pleasing. But...
3 Technologies All Real Estate Owners Must Know About

3 Technologies All Real Estate Owners Must Know About

Technology has progressed greatly during the last few decades in almost every major industry one can think of though with one exception; real estate. However, the last years of real estate technology have improved significantly, entering a new and innovative era of...
FHA Loans 101

FHA Loans 101

The Federal Housing Administration has been around for years with several people making use of them while purchasing their houses. Though despite their popularity, some people still do not understand how they work. The FHA had backed up 17% of the home loans in 2018...